mental health rockz

Colt Sanvichith & Sandra Garcia Season 2 Episode 7

hi everyone! 

this week in honor of mental health awareness month, we talk about our mental health state and how we help ourselves. its not something that's easy to talk about, but we thought us using this platform to speak on something so big in our lives would help not only us, but everyone listening to show that you're not alone! we care about you and you should too..

Colt & Sandra

if you need further help, please use these to your advantages...

MHA- 1-800-273-TALK
National Suicide Prevention Hotline- 1-800-273-8255
Eating Disorder Hotline- 1-800-931-2237
General Crisis- Text SUPPORT to 741-741
Mental Illness Hotline- 1-800-950-6264